Hal Knowles III
PhD Program | School of Natural Resources and Environment
Hal Knowles is a third year Ph.D. student in the University of Florida School of Natural Resources and Environment. His current research focuses on organizational leadership, behavior change, and energy efficiency as mitigation strategies for the dual challenges of climate change and peak oil.
Hal has worked for the Program for Resource Efficient Communities since 2002.
Nick Taylor
PhD Program | College of Design Construction and Planning
Nick Taylor is researching operational resource consumption issues surrounding redevelopment, renovation, and retrofit of existing housing stock. Government entities and utilities offer many incentives for new construction as well as residential upgrades designed to reduce consumption. Often savings estimates for these upgrades are based solely on laboratory testing with no information related to post installation performance. Nick is constructing baseline evaluation techniques using meter level consumptive use data that can accurately quantify changes in energy use in relation to conservation programs.
Nick has worked for the Program for Resource Efficient Communities since 2005.
Lesly Jerome
M.S. Program | Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Lesly is studying for a Master of Science degree in Agricultural Operations Management (AOM ). Lesly also works for the Program for Resource Efficient Communities researching energy and water consumption in both multi-family and single family housing. |