Thomas T. Ankersen
Director, Conservation Clinic, Center for Governmental
Box 117629 / Gainesville, FL 32611-7629
352.273.0835 / Fax: 352.392.1457
J.D., University of Florida
M.A., University of South Florida
B.A., University of South Florida
Teaching and Scholarship
Domestic/International Environmental Law & Policy,
Water Law, Protection of Biological Diversity
Professional Activites
- University of Florida: Joined College of Law in
1991 as Legal Skills Professor and Attorney at the
Center for Governmental Responsibility. Named Director,
Conservation Clinic (1998) & Director, Costa Rica
Joint Program in Environmental and Land Use Law (2000).
Affiliate Faculty, Center for Latin American Studies
since 1993.
- Professional Experience: Sierra Club Legal Defense
Fund Inc., Staff Attorney, Denver and Tallahassee
(1990-91). Peeples Earl & Blank, Senior Litigation
Associate, Miami (1986-90). Stottler Staggs &
Associates, Environmental Planner, Cape Canaveral
- Professional Affiliations: President, Environmental
and Natural Resources Law Center Board of Directors;
Tropical Ecosystems Directorate, U.S. Department of
State Man and the Biosphere Program; Board of Directors,
Forest Management Trust; World Conservation Union
Environmental Law Commission