White, a University
of Florida graduate student in Department of Wildlife
Ecology and Conservation, conducted research under
the direction of Dr. Marty Main on the Habitat Value
of Golf Course Wetlands to Waterbirds. The work
resulted in several specific design recommendations
for golf course ponds:
- “One
general recommendation is to increase
the diversity in the design of golf
course ponds to provide a local wetland
complex that permits more management
opportunities for providing suitable
habitat for multiple species of waterbirds.
Creating variable structure and density
of vegetation in and around golf course
ponds will increase the amount of suitable
habitat available for a greater number
of species.”
- “…increasing
the littoral zone (shallow water areas)
in golf course ponds would most likely
make prey more accessible to birds such
as wading birds that require shallow
(e.g., <40 cm) water depths for foraging.”
- “…increasing
the number of vegetated islands may also
increase the number of birds that are
able to find suitable nesting habitat
on golf course ponds.”
It is noteworthy that the fieldwork in this study was conducted
on golf courses built by the Bonita Bay Group, an active cooperator
in this project. Furthermore, the Audubon International Cooperative
Sanctuary Program has requested detailed information on the recommendations
for application to their gold course program